SP/OSCE Programs

Standardized Participants and Objective Structured Clinical Examinations or Exercises Programs

The New York Simulation Center for the Health Sciences (NYSIM) offers Standardized Participant services.

The New York Simulation Center for the Health Sciences has access to over 130+ per diem Standardized Participants (SPs) who are employed by the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. All programs who utilize SP services within the NYU Langone Health System must contact the simulation center to work with these individuals.

Objective Structured Clinical Exams or Exercises (OSCEs) are training or assessment programs in which learners rotate through a series of time-limited “stations.” In encounters with SPs in each (or most) of a series of stations, the learner is asked to perform specific tasks that are kept constant across all trainees. Rating forms with predetermined performance criteria are used to assess the learner’s performance in a standardized fashion (Zabar et.al, 2013).

Variations of OSCEs are dependent upon educational goals and objectives of activities. Most OSCE assessments and recordings are captured in our learning management system, BLINE. Program types may include:

  1. OSCE: most common, one learner conducts encounter independently
  2. Group OSCE (GOSCE): groups of learners conduct encounters together or observe and/or provide feedback
  3. OSTE (Teaching): training method for advancing teaching and interpersonal communication skills
  4. ZOSCE (remote OSCE): training via Zoom platform where learners rotate between different breakout rooms for their encounters, orientation, and debriefing. Technical capabilities include recordings, written banners to facilitate timing and flow of program, assessments via BLINE, REDCap or other select platforms.

SPs are recruited in advance to program dates:
SPs are recruited and scheduled by NYSIM for specific programs. Programs that require the use of SPs need to make a reservation through the NYSIM website and will be contacted for a program intake. NYSIM does not have any SPs on-site regularly, unless scheduled for a program.

Standardized participants can include but are not limited to:

  1. Standardized Patients
  2. Standardized Nurses and/or Standardized Health Care Professionals
  3. Standardized Learners
  4. Standardized Faculty
  5. Standardized Family Members
  6. Embedded Standardized Participants for Educational Programs

Standardized participants can be used in educational programs for the following purposes:

  1. SP for Case Portrayal, Assessment, Verbal Feedback, Written Feedback
  2. SP for Physical Examination
  3. SP with Simulator-Based Programs
  4. SP for Marketing Research
  5. SP for Live Performance or Large Audience
  6. SP for IN-SITU Simulations (in clinical workspace)
  7. SP for Ultrasound Models

The following services are offered:

  1. SP Recruitment
  2. SP Coordination
  3. SP Training
  4. SP Referrals
  5. SP Payment

There may be associated fees depending on the nature of the program that will be charged to the program. An estimate of fees will be generated after the intake.

Through educational consults and the intake process, we enjoy collaborating with our stakeholders to design programs to meet their educational goals and objectives.

Interested in hosting a program? Please visit our Program Reservation Instructions page.

Quiet on set

Quiet on set

Quiet on set

Useful Downloads
and Templates:

SP Case Templates

SP Case Template (Word)

SP Case Template (Zip)

SP Program Design Timeline

Weeks Prior

  • Program Reservation Request Entered
  • Educational Consultation Scheduled (if needed)
  • Pre-screen Call Conducted (if needed)
  • Program Reservation Confirmed
  • Intake Scheduled
Weeks Prior

  • Intake Completed
  • SP Recruitment/Training(s) Scheduled
  • Cases and Door Notes Drafted
  • SP Assessments Drafted
  • Faculty Assessments Drafted
Weeks Prior

  • SP Trainings Completed
  • Faculty Training Completed
  • Program Evaluation Drafted
  • Participant List Submitted
Days Prior

  • Cases and Door Notes Finalized
  • SP Assessments Finalized
  • Learner Notes Finalized
  • Faculty Assessments Finalized
  • Program Evaluations Finalized
Week After

  • Debrief with learners (day of program or after)
  • Videos Released to Faculty and/or Learners
  • Video Review Session
  • Assessment Reports Provided by NYSIM