High School Students visit NYSIM as part of C21 Program

The C21 Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) is part of a consortium sponsored by the New York State Department of Education and has existed in some form at NYU Langone for 28 years. It provides racially underrepresented and economically under-served high school students with direct exposure to careers in science and medicine. Sponsored by the Office of Diversity Affairs, the program gives students with demonstrat-ed interest and ability in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers and the licensed health professions an important step toward their professional goals.

While at NYSIM these students participated in a simulation on a hypothetical patient. That same week, the students watched faculty at NYU Langone’s Neuroscience Institute dissect a sheep’s brain in order to get a glimpse into both science and surgery. They also became officially certified in CPR, a skill they can now take with them wherever they go, and which gives them hands-on experience—literally—in the health sciences.

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