IMSH Recognition: Congratulations to the “Night-onCall” Team!

In late January 2019, the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) held its annual conference for the advancement of simulation in healthcare. At IMSH, simulation professionals come together to network and explore best practices, advances in science and technology in healthcare simulation, and more. This year, NYU and NYSIM’s Night-onCall (NOC) team was recognized for one such innovation in simulation. NOC researchers recently published the first in a series of manuscripts and projects reporting on the significance of a simulated Night-onCall for medical students transitioning to residency. What began as a research study at NYU has now become a collaboration with several medical schools who are implementing it, or variations of NOC. NOC is now officially part of the NYU undergraduate medical curriculum for near-graduating medical students.


Congratulations to all, and great work at #IMSH2019!

Kalet, A., Zabar, S., Szyld, D. et al. Adv Simul (2017) 2: 13.

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