Meet an Assistant Medical Director: Sandy Zabar, MD

We are pleased to announce Dr. Sondra Zabar’s appointment as an Assistant Director at NYSIM and her role leading our Standard-ized Patient (SP) Program. She will focus on bringing new SP programs from CUNY and NYULMC to NYSIM and maintaining our high quality standardized patient educational and assessment activities. Dr. Zabar is the Director of the Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency Training Program at the NYU School of Medicine. She is the Director of the Program for Medical Education Innovations and Research (PrMEIR), established in 2006 with the mission of advancing medical education scholarship at NYU and instituting best practices for patient-centered, evidence-based medical educa-tion through research, faculty development, and an internal grants program. She is a Professor of Medicine at the NYU School of Medicine and a member of the NYU School of Medicine Curriculum Committee, and she directs the NYU School of Medicine Stand-ardized Patient Program.

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