New Equipment: SimMan 3G Leslie

New Equipment: SimMan 3G Leslie

NYSIM is pleased to announce the addition of a fourth SimMan 3G patient simulator to the impressive arsenal of high tech adult and child manikins available for your simulation programs. SimMan 3G is designed to deliver the most realistic training possible, whilst remaining simple to operate. Practi-tioners and students can perform a range of bedside and emergency procedures on these simulated patients, such as assessment and vital signs, history and physical examination, patient monitoring, defibrillation, synchronized electrical cardioversion, oral and nasal intubation, nasogastric tube insertion, intravenous catheter insertion, urinary catheter insertion, and other specialized procedures. With a wealth of innovative features including automatic drug recognition, light sensitive pupils, and bodily fluid excretion, SimMan 3G offers countless ways to achieve your simulation’s objectives.

For an overview of the equipment offered at NYSIM, please visit our website at

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