Note from the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning Conference (INACSL)

NYSIM Associate Nursing Director and Nursing Simulation Fellowship Director Grace Ng and NYSIM Hearst Foun-dation Nursing Simulation fellow Halley Ruppel presented at the 14th Annual International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning (INACSL) Conference on June 11, 2015 in Atlanta. During the podium presenta-tion, titled “Beyond Faculty Development: Nursing Simulation Fellowships as an Innovative Approach for Devel-oping Simulation Nurse Leaders,” Grace and Halley described their respective experiences as fellowship director and fellow in the conception and implementation of a novel nursing simulation fellowship. Nurses charged with instructing in simulation-based education programs and managing simulation learning centers may be clinically experienced but often receive little or no specialized training in simulation, despite the complexity of simulation-based education. Limited avenues currently exist for training nurse educators in the specialized area of simulation education program leadership and management, and nursing simulation fellowships provide a unique solution to this gap. In the presentation, Halley and Grace discussed the back-ground, content and outcome measures of NYSIM’s innovative nursing simulation fellowship program.

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