NYSIM Staff Presented at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) in New Orleans, January 2015

Tom Vongbandith, IT Senior Systems Analyst at NYSIM, Grace Ng, Associate Nursing Director at NYSIM and Michael Young, Director of Healthcare Education & Business Development at Level 3 Healthcare presented a workshop, “Become IT Literate: Beyond Cables, Connectors and Couplers.” Over 60 participants attended the 2-hour course which was designed to help educate Simulation Operation Specialists, Clinicians and Educators on how they can use System Diagrams, Use Case methodologies and Root Cause Analysis to better interpret simulation IT system design, perform IT needs assessment, and troubleshoot technical problems from a systems perspective. The course was well received by the participants and we hope to present it again at IMSH 2016.

Grace Ng, Associate Nursing Director at NYSIM, in collaboration with five other faculty from the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston, presented a 90 minute workshop “Improving Debriefing Skills Through Peer Observation and Feedback” to 50 participants. The goal of the workshop was to strengthen the participants’ ability to give and take feedback on their debriefing skills from peers. Via role play exercises, the participants practiced techniques for “Debriefing the Debriefer,” focusing on exploring each other’s underlying mental frames, and reflecting on their own strengths, weaknesses, and comfort zones as debriefers. This workshop was previously presented by Grace and Demian Szyld, Associate medical Director at NYSIM, during IMSH 2013 and 2014.

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